Sunday, February 18, 2007

queue psychology

Hardly everyday we go to shops - to get food,clothes or other important things. It's fun to walk around and to discover new, useful things. But.. We often confront with a little problem - a queue. And how do we feel then?
Queues are a part of life. In the United States, people spend a total of 37 billion hours each year waiting in line. Queues are everywhere - from waiting at the supermarket checkout, to waiting for an ambulance dispatch officer to send you an ambulance.
Something about history: Agner Krarup Erlang published his first paper on Queuing Theory back in 1909. By 1917, he was studying the "combined queue" or "single queue" system.In a combined queue, there's one queue and several servers, the advantage is that
the first person in is the first person out.And you don't get the "Slip skip" phenomenon, where you slip down the serving order in your queue, because somebody else in another queue who arrived after you skips past you. "Slip Skip" can turn to "Slip Slap"- and we have arrived at "Queue Rage".
Single queue guarantees that the first person in, is the first person served.But it is said that the average waiting time in the single queue is twice as long as in the parallel queues.
"empty time"-it is concept, when you are waiting to do something. You can imagine your realy time, you are waiting. So, the simple suggestion - do something, which abstract you attention from idea to get quick to the checkout.
It's a good idea for supermarkets to let listen the music or to let see the promotional video on monitors, which are by checkouts.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

My future profesion

Firstly, I want to answer to myself one question : why did I choose psychology? I think, that it is the profesion, which is the nearest to human. It is profesion about human.
I am not a down-to-earth person. I am not interested in money, numbers...It is silly. I am interested in person. We live in community, we communicate with many people. Isn't it interesting to percept the human, you meet every day? On the other hand, we aren't as animals, who communicate just for money or other thing.We are people, so we must behave like people, who have feelings, desires, wishes, or secret plans sometimes. ;)
The second thing I like psychology is that it is a way to help people. I can use my psychological news in my own life, but also I can use it in official way - helping people in my own office, hospital or other institution.
In these days, which are full of stress, many people have many problems with their soul. They often don't know what is the meaning of their egzistation. They don't know who they are. So, I think, I could help them....