1.Terrorism in the modern sense is violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians for political or other ideological goals
2.Many opinions exist concerning the causes of terrorism. They range from demographic to socioeconomic to political factors. Demographic factors may include for example high growth rates. Socioeconomic factors may include poverty, unemployment, Political factors may include ethnic conflict, religious conflict, territorial conflict.
Factors that May Contribute to Terrorism
High population growth rates (so-called “youth bulges”)
High Unemployment
Lagging (nesutapimas)economies
Political disenfranchisement
Ethnic conflict
Religious conflict
Territorial conflict
3. 22-25 years of age
80% male, with women in support roles
75-80% single
66% middle or upper class background
66% some college or graduate work
42% previous participation in working class advocacy groups
17% unemployed
18% strong religious beliefs
prejudice toward out-groups
an unwillingness to compromise
a disdain for other alternative views
a tendency to see things in black and white
a rigidity of belief
a perception of the world that reflects a closed mind
4.1. The immediate crisis must be handled.2. Postcrisis victim needs must be met.3. Victims’ rights and services must be provided during any criminal justice process.4. Long-term victim needs must be recognized and provided for as they emerge over time
5. As far as we know, most terrorists feel that they are doing nothing wrong when they kill and injure people, or damage property. Most seem to share a feature of a psychological condition known as anti-social personality disorder or psychopathic personality disorder, which is an absence of empathy for the suffering of others - they don’t feel other people’s pain. However, they do not appear unstable or mentally ill.
One of the most prominent aspect of the their personality is their denial of death. The biological instinct to survive, for the individual and society, is the overriding principle that fights against the acceptance of death. People most normally try to escape from death using every available means. But many terrorists have a specific attitude, defined as “the delusion of immortality,” through which they feel they live day by day as if death either did not exist or did not concern them. This defense mechanism is a denial of reality. Death cannot be accepted at the experiential level and must therefore be rationalized, attributed to immortality. Thus, death is made into a symbol of an exceptional event, or denied and lived simply as a religious transition from life on earth to eternal life.
6. Responses to terrorism are broad in scope. They can include re-alignments(islyg) of the political spectrum and reassessments of fundamental values. Specific types of responses include:
Targeted(nukreipti) laws, criminal procedures, deportations, and enhanced police powers
Target hardening, such as locking doors or adding traffic barriers
reactive military action
Increased intelligence and surveillance (sekimas)activities
Pre-emptive humanitarian activities
More permissive interrogation and detention policies
Official acceptance of torture as a valid tool
Monday, December 10, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Self – assessment of online listening to podcasts

I was listening two podcasts, named “The Lipstick Blondes“ and „Taking art to the streets of London“.They are published in the Internet, bbclearningenglish.com.
Firstly, I want to comment this website. I think that this website is very useful for students, who need learn English, also for tourists, becouse there are lessons what and how to say in typical or not so typical situations in life. For example there was a lesson about French food - how reasonably to say that this food is not acceptable for you or maybe it is acceptable... Personaly I found there many useful, interesting things. I believe that podcasts must be useful – they must enrich your vocabulary. They shouldn‘t be so complicated, that you won‘t understand what is saying. On the other hand, you must wrestle with this problem, buti n many cases, it isn‘t very useful.
It is very good, that there are two levels of English in my podasts. One is intermediate – when a speaker, which introduces to topic, explain concepts or expressions of other speaker, who talks in upper-intermediate level of English. It was very useful for me. The first speaker introduces, then say what things I must notice in the talko f other speaker. Then I concentrate my attention to exceptional expressions or words. Thus, I have learned interesting expressions. If you don‘t catch them at first time, the introducer may repeat it.
Becouse of being two speakers, the rate of speaking also were two. The first speaker spoke average and other fast.The average speaking was useful to understand better.
I think that both speakers had the British accent. They spoke fluently enough.
I have listened twice times for the complete understanding. I dind‘t look to a transcript – becouse it is the easest way. I was listening to speakers. I think that I did my best, focus on essence.
I can assess my ability to undesrstand authentic speech as good. Becouse of my visual memory, sometimes I found it difficult to remember and also to understand information in audio. I should listen more times.
I also agree that training is the best way to improve my capability. Maybe today i am not well prepared to my exam listening paper, but I hope after practise I will. And this practise can be English films and podcasts.
Firstly, I want to comment this website. I think that this website is very useful for students, who need learn English, also for tourists, becouse there are lessons what and how to say in typical or not so typical situations in life. For example there was a lesson about French food - how reasonably to say that this food is not acceptable for you or maybe it is acceptable... Personaly I found there many useful, interesting things. I believe that podcasts must be useful – they must enrich your vocabulary. They shouldn‘t be so complicated, that you won‘t understand what is saying. On the other hand, you must wrestle with this problem, buti n many cases, it isn‘t very useful.
It is very good, that there are two levels of English in my podasts. One is intermediate – when a speaker, which introduces to topic, explain concepts or expressions of other speaker, who talks in upper-intermediate level of English. It was very useful for me. The first speaker introduces, then say what things I must notice in the talko f other speaker. Then I concentrate my attention to exceptional expressions or words. Thus, I have learned interesting expressions. If you don‘t catch them at first time, the introducer may repeat it.
Becouse of being two speakers, the rate of speaking also were two. The first speaker spoke average and other fast.The average speaking was useful to understand better.
I think that both speakers had the British accent. They spoke fluently enough.
I have listened twice times for the complete understanding. I dind‘t look to a transcript – becouse it is the easest way. I was listening to speakers. I think that I did my best, focus on essence.
I can assess my ability to undesrstand authentic speech as good. Becouse of my visual memory, sometimes I found it difficult to remember and also to understand information in audio. I should listen more times.
I also agree that training is the best way to improve my capability. Maybe today i am not well prepared to my exam listening paper, but I hope after practise I will. And this practise can be English films and podcasts.
Lithuanian racism

In today’s society cases of intolerance towards other people on the basis of their beliefs, racial or ethnic origin still occur. In the history of Lithuania one could find great examples of tolerance, but deeply rooted prejudices and newly formed ethnical stereotypes, fear of immigration and a sense of an insecure future stimulate unfounded opinions and behaviour, which often violate a person’s dignity. In order to ensure equal opportunities for all irrespective of their ethnic origin, such inappropriate behaviour must be recognized and changed.
The definition ‘“racism’“ involves not only discrimination on the basis of the colour of one’s skin, but has a much broader meaning, encompassing ethnicity, nationality or religion. Racism may appear in different forms, starting from personal attitude and verbal abuse to discriminative acts and even violence or well-organised extreme right outbursts.
Roma people, refugees or foreigners sometimes become direct victims of unfavourable provisions, discrimination or violence. Disparaging and unfounded generalisations occasionally appear in public speeches. Food for racism and anti-Semitism is given by the media, which is often guided by stereotypes. Additionally, fascist elements seeking attention may encourage racism. An intolerant and fearful society can be easily manipulated.
In Lithuania various persons belonging to different national, ethnic or religious groups face unfavourable treatment. In 2005 the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman received 15 complaints concerning discrimination based on ethnicity.
According to the data provided by the Centre for Ethnic Studies, Roma people, Chechens, refugees and Muslims are regarded with disfavour most of all in Lithuania. The (Council of Europe) European Commission against Racism and Intolerance has expressed its concern about the complicated situation of refugees and Lithuanian Roma people. Public institutions are incapable of taking effective measures to help socially excluded groups to integrate, while society often tends to condemn them. Careless and unfounded generalisations, such as ‘“they are all like that’“ often harm innocent people, belonging to “disliked“ national or religious groups
Although extreme rightist parties are not in large in numbers in Lithuania, they maintain hatred and popularise ideas of placing people in unequal categories. For this reason, not all members of society can feel safe.
Lithuanian Jewish cemeteries and commemorative Holocaust places frequently suffer from acts of vandalism. Anti-Semite essays occasionally appear in national newspapers.
Foreigners suffer from disadvantageous provisions and violence as well. Due to economic growth and shortages in the labour force the number of foreign workers will definitely increase. These people often are not familiar with the local context and consequently are more vulnerable, not knowing where to apply for help or not daring to search for assistance.
The definition ‘“racism’“ involves not only discrimination on the basis of the colour of one’s skin, but has a much broader meaning, encompassing ethnicity, nationality or religion. Racism may appear in different forms, starting from personal attitude and verbal abuse to discriminative acts and even violence or well-organised extreme right outbursts.
Roma people, refugees or foreigners sometimes become direct victims of unfavourable provisions, discrimination or violence. Disparaging and unfounded generalisations occasionally appear in public speeches. Food for racism and anti-Semitism is given by the media, which is often guided by stereotypes. Additionally, fascist elements seeking attention may encourage racism. An intolerant and fearful society can be easily manipulated.
In Lithuania various persons belonging to different national, ethnic or religious groups face unfavourable treatment. In 2005 the Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman received 15 complaints concerning discrimination based on ethnicity.
According to the data provided by the Centre for Ethnic Studies, Roma people, Chechens, refugees and Muslims are regarded with disfavour most of all in Lithuania. The (Council of Europe) European Commission against Racism and Intolerance has expressed its concern about the complicated situation of refugees and Lithuanian Roma people. Public institutions are incapable of taking effective measures to help socially excluded groups to integrate, while society often tends to condemn them. Careless and unfounded generalisations, such as ‘“they are all like that’“ often harm innocent people, belonging to “disliked“ national or religious groups
Although extreme rightist parties are not in large in numbers in Lithuania, they maintain hatred and popularise ideas of placing people in unequal categories. For this reason, not all members of society can feel safe.
Lithuanian Jewish cemeteries and commemorative Holocaust places frequently suffer from acts of vandalism. Anti-Semite essays occasionally appear in national newspapers.
Foreigners suffer from disadvantageous provisions and violence as well. Due to economic growth and shortages in the labour force the number of foreign workers will definitely increase. These people often are not familiar with the local context and consequently are more vulnerable, not knowing where to apply for help or not daring to search for assistance.
Everything depends on us. Do you want to be a racist?
Literature : http://www.libertysecurity.org/article838.html
Sexism: Roots in religion.

The major male dominate in monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam .It have had a profound effect on women's lives, and it‘s influence we can see in the present day.
Sexism, meaning the degrading of women to second class status is rooted in these religions. Woman was supposedly created from Adam's rib. Her role established in the Bible as temptress, whore, foot-washer and domestic servant, unclean during menstruation and untouchable until ritual cleansing after childbirth.
The religions practice overt discrimination against women within their own institutions. They are run by men for men. Christianity has it's female icon, Mary, in the lower ranks where their services are needed women are tolerated within a supposedly celibate environment, to help the male hierarchy and in the past Convents provided 'accommodation' for upper class women away from the hubbub of secular life. It also needs them to perform primary indoctrination for young children and run services that bind people to the church.
Latterly as the difficulty of recruiting enough men to fill the posts of clergy, some religions have bowed to pressure from religious women who want to become priests, but their attitudes to women still prevent many women from having freedom of choice and opportunity.
Healthy family life depends upon the right to choose the number of children that can be supported, by the parents in the environment and conditions in which they live.
The Catholic Church seeks to prevent effective contraception and its policy of banning abortion takes a woman's control over her own body out of her own hands. Even now in Britain decisions are, in the last resort, in the hands of doctors, and where Catholic ideology influences local decisions, facilities are restricted. Catholic doctrine does not only apply to, or affect Catholic women, but all women in countries that bow to the influence of Catholics. Catholic determination to prevent the need for contraception and abortion, leads them to oppose the availability of full and objective information on sexual activity, contraceptive methods, and pregnancy counselling.
They have the misguided and patronising attitude that if women and girls are denied information the problem will go away. They think that the threat of pregnancy will deter women from unprotected sexual intercourse in the first place, and that in the event of unwanted pregnancy independent unbiased counselling about their options will automatically lead to abortion. This leads to all the evils associated with unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy.
Catholics are at the forefront of a continuing battle against women's rights to choose early safe termination of unwanted pregnancies. In the past thousands if not millions of women have died from late, or septic abortions and multiple pregnancies.
Sexism, meaning the degrading of women to second class status is rooted in these religions. Woman was supposedly created from Adam's rib. Her role established in the Bible as temptress, whore, foot-washer and domestic servant, unclean during menstruation and untouchable until ritual cleansing after childbirth.
The religions practice overt discrimination against women within their own institutions. They are run by men for men. Christianity has it's female icon, Mary, in the lower ranks where their services are needed women are tolerated within a supposedly celibate environment, to help the male hierarchy and in the past Convents provided 'accommodation' for upper class women away from the hubbub of secular life. It also needs them to perform primary indoctrination for young children and run services that bind people to the church.
Latterly as the difficulty of recruiting enough men to fill the posts of clergy, some religions have bowed to pressure from religious women who want to become priests, but their attitudes to women still prevent many women from having freedom of choice and opportunity.
Healthy family life depends upon the right to choose the number of children that can be supported, by the parents in the environment and conditions in which they live.
The Catholic Church seeks to prevent effective contraception and its policy of banning abortion takes a woman's control over her own body out of her own hands. Even now in Britain decisions are, in the last resort, in the hands of doctors, and where Catholic ideology influences local decisions, facilities are restricted. Catholic doctrine does not only apply to, or affect Catholic women, but all women in countries that bow to the influence of Catholics. Catholic determination to prevent the need for contraception and abortion, leads them to oppose the availability of full and objective information on sexual activity, contraceptive methods, and pregnancy counselling.
They have the misguided and patronising attitude that if women and girls are denied information the problem will go away. They think that the threat of pregnancy will deter women from unprotected sexual intercourse in the first place, and that in the event of unwanted pregnancy independent unbiased counselling about their options will automatically lead to abortion. This leads to all the evils associated with unprotected sex and unwanted pregnancy.
Catholics are at the forefront of a continuing battle against women's rights to choose early safe termination of unwanted pregnancies. In the past thousands if not millions of women have died from late, or septic abortions and multiple pregnancies.
Literature : http://www.rootsofsexism.freeuk.com/
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Laughter is an expression or appearance of merriment or amusement. Laughter is a sound that can be heard. It may ensue (as a physiological reaction) from jokes, tickling and other stimuli. Inhaling nitrous oxide can also induce laughter; other drugs, such as cannabis, can also induce episodes of strong laughter. Strong laughter can sometimes bring an onset of tears or even moderate muscular pain as a physical response to the act. Laughter can also be a response to physical touch, such as tickling, or even to moderate pain such as pressure on the ulnar nerve ("funny bone").
Laughing is found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, increase muscle flexion, and boost immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being.
Laughter is infectious. Hospitals around the country are incorporating formal and informal laughter therapy programs into their therapeutic regimens. In countries such as India, laughing clubs -- in which participants gather in the early morning for the sole purpose of laughing -- are becoming as popular as Rotary Clubs in the United States.
Humor is a universal language. It's a contagious emotion and a natural diversion. It brings other people in and breaks down barriers. Best of all it is free and has no known side reactions.
Psychologists say that there are 5 types of laughter.
The first type: cha cha (emphasizing „a“).It is very open, peaceful laugh.It can show naive, funny temper, excellent, careless mood, optimistic and positive attitude.
The second type: che che (emphasizing „e“). It is not very simpatico laugh, sometimes it can be insolent and jealous. However, if this sound „e“ is more open, it is more spiteful laugh and show hate.This laugh always create distance between people.
The third type, when laughing chi chi (emphasizing „i“).It is laugh, which doesn‘t relieve the state of human, and which run away.It is giggle to yourself. This laugh-the mixture of glee and irony, which hide not very good will.
The fourth type: cho cho (emphasizing „o“). This laugh sounds tall or can threat. Sometimes with note of wonder and doubt, sometimes with jeer and protest.
The fifth type: chu chu (emphasizing „u“). It is not a laugh, it is the sound of fear and cowardice.It can hide internal tension, and sometimes panic.
The first type is the healthiest laugh.It can convey joy and satisfaction, real and natural reaction to funny things. This laugh can be loud, silent, muted. It depends on individual temperament, vocal chords and situation.
Just a few generations ago happy healthy humans spent 20 minutes a day or more in laughter. Now adult daily laughtime is down to 5 minutes or less in many countries. This is one of the worst aspects of 'modern life'.
Pictures from http://technorati.com/tag/laughter
Laughing is found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, increase muscle flexion, and boost immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being.
Laughter is infectious. Hospitals around the country are incorporating formal and informal laughter therapy programs into their therapeutic regimens. In countries such as India, laughing clubs -- in which participants gather in the early morning for the sole purpose of laughing -- are becoming as popular as Rotary Clubs in the United States.
Humor is a universal language. It's a contagious emotion and a natural diversion. It brings other people in and breaks down barriers. Best of all it is free and has no known side reactions.
Psychologists say that there are 5 types of laughter.
The first type: cha cha (emphasizing „a“).It is very open, peaceful laugh.It can show naive, funny temper, excellent, careless mood, optimistic and positive attitude.
The second type: che che (emphasizing „e“). It is not very simpatico laugh, sometimes it can be insolent and jealous. However, if this sound „e“ is more open, it is more spiteful laugh and show hate.This laugh always create distance between people.
The third type, when laughing chi chi (emphasizing „i“).It is laugh, which doesn‘t relieve the state of human, and which run away.It is giggle to yourself. This laugh-the mixture of glee and irony, which hide not very good will.
The fourth type: cho cho (emphasizing „o“). This laugh sounds tall or can threat. Sometimes with note of wonder and doubt, sometimes with jeer and protest.
The fifth type: chu chu (emphasizing „u“). It is not a laugh, it is the sound of fear and cowardice.It can hide internal tension, and sometimes panic.
The first type is the healthiest laugh.It can convey joy and satisfaction, real and natural reaction to funny things. This laugh can be loud, silent, muted. It depends on individual temperament, vocal chords and situation.
Just a few generations ago happy healthy humans spent 20 minutes a day or more in laughter. Now adult daily laughtime is down to 5 minutes or less in many countries. This is one of the worst aspects of 'modern life'.
Pictures from http://technorati.com/tag/laughter
Conflict is a state of opposition, disagreement or incompatibility between two or more people or groups of people, which is sometimes characterized by physical violence. Military conflict between states may constitute war.
There are some types of conflict: intrapersonal, interpersonal, emotional, group, organizational, community, intra-state (for example: civil wars, election campaigns),international, environmental resources, intersocietal, intra-societal, ideological, diplomatic, economic, military, religious-based (for example: Center For Reduction of Religious-Based Conflict) conflicts.
Causes of Conflict:
Structural Factors (How the company is set up)
*Specialization (The experts in fields)
*Interdependance (A company as a whole can't operate w/o other departments)
*Common Resources (Sharing the same secretary)
*Goal Differences (One person wants production to rise and others want communication to rise)
*Authority Relationships (The boss and employees beneath him/her)
*Status Inconsistencies
*Jurisdicational Ambiguities (Who can discipline who)
Personal Factors:
*Skills and Abilities
*Conflict management style
*Values and Ethics
*Communication barriers
*Cultural Differences
Conflict resolution or conflictology is the process of attempting to resolve a dispute or a conflict. Successful conflict resolution occurs by listening to and providing opportunities to meet each side’s needs, and adequately address their interests so that they are each satisfied with the outcome. Conflict resolution aims to end conflicts before they start or lead to verbal, physical or legal fighting.
Conflict management refers to the long-term management of intractable conflicts. It is the label for the variety of ways by which people handle grievances -- standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they consider to be wrong. Those ways include such diverse phenomena as gossip, ridicule, lynching, terrorism, warfare, feuding, genocide, law, mediation, and avoidance. Which forms of conflict management will be used in any given situation can be somewhat predicted and explained by the social structure -- or social geometry -- of the case.
Conflict management is not the same as "conflict resolution." The latter -- conflict resolution -- refers to resolving the dispute to the approval of one or both parties, whereas the former -- conflict management -- concerns an ongoing process that may never have a resolution. For example, gossip and feuds are very common methods of conflict management, but neither entails resolution.
And there are some good advices how to work out conflicts fairly and peacefully:
1.STOP before you lose control of your temper and make the conflict worse.
2.SAY what you feel is the problem. What is causing the disagreement? What do you want
3.LISTEN to the other person‘s ideas and feelings.
4.THINK of solutions that will satisfy both of you.
5.If you still can‘t agree, ask someone else to help you work it out.
pictures from http://images.google.lt/images
There are some types of conflict: intrapersonal, interpersonal, emotional, group, organizational, community, intra-state (for example: civil wars, election campaigns),international, environmental resources, intersocietal, intra-societal, ideological, diplomatic, economic, military, religious-based (for example: Center For Reduction of Religious-Based Conflict) conflicts.
Causes of Conflict:
Structural Factors (How the company is set up)
*Specialization (The experts in fields)
*Interdependance (A company as a whole can't operate w/o other departments)
*Common Resources (Sharing the same secretary)
*Goal Differences (One person wants production to rise and others want communication to rise)
*Authority Relationships (The boss and employees beneath him/her)
*Status Inconsistencies
*Jurisdicational Ambiguities (Who can discipline who)
Personal Factors:
*Skills and Abilities
*Conflict management style
*Values and Ethics
*Communication barriers
*Cultural Differences
Conflict resolution or conflictology is the process of attempting to resolve a dispute or a conflict. Successful conflict resolution occurs by listening to and providing opportunities to meet each side’s needs, and adequately address their interests so that they are each satisfied with the outcome. Conflict resolution aims to end conflicts before they start or lead to verbal, physical or legal fighting.
Conflict management refers to the long-term management of intractable conflicts. It is the label for the variety of ways by which people handle grievances -- standing up for what they consider to be right and against what they consider to be wrong. Those ways include such diverse phenomena as gossip, ridicule, lynching, terrorism, warfare, feuding, genocide, law, mediation, and avoidance. Which forms of conflict management will be used in any given situation can be somewhat predicted and explained by the social structure -- or social geometry -- of the case.
Conflict management is not the same as "conflict resolution." The latter -- conflict resolution -- refers to resolving the dispute to the approval of one or both parties, whereas the former -- conflict management -- concerns an ongoing process that may never have a resolution. For example, gossip and feuds are very common methods of conflict management, but neither entails resolution.
And there are some good advices how to work out conflicts fairly and peacefully:
1.STOP before you lose control of your temper and make the conflict worse.
2.SAY what you feel is the problem. What is causing the disagreement? What do you want
3.LISTEN to the other person‘s ideas and feelings.
4.THINK of solutions that will satisfy both of you.
5.If you still can‘t agree, ask someone else to help you work it out.
pictures from http://images.google.lt/images

Laziness is the lack of desire to perform work or expend effort. It could be considered as an exaggeration of the natural instinct to get healthy, rest, and conserve energy. What behavior is considered laziness varies according to personal and societal standards.
Laziness is considered by some Christians to be one of the seven deadly sins, though it is called sloth on the list.Feelings of laziness may be a symptom of clinical depression.
The expression "intellectual laziness" is used to describe a tendency to not ask questions or investigate thoroughly, applying a kind of mental routine (availability heuristic) or just following the crowd (herd behavior).
Traditionally, laziness is taught as one of the obstacles to awakening. There are different kinds of laziness. First, there’s the laziness of comfort orientation, we just try to stay comfortable and cozy. Then there’s the laziness of loss of heart, a kind of deep discouragement, a feeling of giving up on ourselves, of hopelessness. There’s also the laziness of couldn’t care less. That’s when we harden into resignation and bitterness and just close down.
I suppose that lazy people may be getting the most out of life, but it's hard for me to imagine how. I can't imagine not having any drive or ambition to accomplish anything, and having the desire to engage only in passive activities, always being a spectator, never acting. Laziness, in many cases, leads to poor health, low self-esteem, lack of hope, and low self-confidence, among other things that I just don't see. It also robs a person of a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self-worth, and self-development. How are you going to learn anything or pick up a new skill or develop a talent if you're too lazy to get up and do something? So I think that lazy people don't have much success in their lives.
The key to dealing with laziness is taking action, and the key to taking action is finding the motivation to do so.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. ~Jules Renard
Laziness travels so slowly, that Poverty soon overtakes him.
Laziness. Unwarranted repose of manner in a person of low degree. - Ambrose Bierce
Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. The more one has to do, the more he is able to accomplish. - Thomas Buxton
If a man will not work, he shall not eat. - Bible
I slip from workaholic to bum real easy. - Matthew Broderick
The sluggard does not plow after the season, so he begs during the harvest and has nothing. [Proverbs 20:4] - Bible
He also who is slack in his work is brother to him who destroys. [Proverbs 18:9] - Bible
Some men are so lazy they won't even feed themselves. - Bible
Laziness is considered by some Christians to be one of the seven deadly sins, though it is called sloth on the list.Feelings of laziness may be a symptom of clinical depression.
The expression "intellectual laziness" is used to describe a tendency to not ask questions or investigate thoroughly, applying a kind of mental routine (availability heuristic) or just following the crowd (herd behavior).
Traditionally, laziness is taught as one of the obstacles to awakening. There are different kinds of laziness. First, there’s the laziness of comfort orientation, we just try to stay comfortable and cozy. Then there’s the laziness of loss of heart, a kind of deep discouragement, a feeling of giving up on ourselves, of hopelessness. There’s also the laziness of couldn’t care less. That’s when we harden into resignation and bitterness and just close down.
I suppose that lazy people may be getting the most out of life, but it's hard for me to imagine how. I can't imagine not having any drive or ambition to accomplish anything, and having the desire to engage only in passive activities, always being a spectator, never acting. Laziness, in many cases, leads to poor health, low self-esteem, lack of hope, and low self-confidence, among other things that I just don't see. It also robs a person of a sense of accomplishment, a sense of self-worth, and self-development. How are you going to learn anything or pick up a new skill or develop a talent if you're too lazy to get up and do something? So I think that lazy people don't have much success in their lives.
The key to dealing with laziness is taking action, and the key to taking action is finding the motivation to do so.
Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. ~Jules Renard
Laziness travels so slowly, that Poverty soon overtakes him.
Laziness. Unwarranted repose of manner in a person of low degree. - Ambrose Bierce
Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. The more one has to do, the more he is able to accomplish. - Thomas Buxton
If a man will not work, he shall not eat. - Bible
I slip from workaholic to bum real easy. - Matthew Broderick
The sluggard does not plow after the season, so he begs during the harvest and has nothing. [Proverbs 20:4] - Bible
He also who is slack in his work is brother to him who destroys. [Proverbs 18:9] - Bible
Some men are so lazy they won't even feed themselves. - Bible
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Emotional Intelligence
Generally speaking, emotional intelligence improves an individual's social effectiveness. The higher the emotional intelligence, the better the social relations. "Emotional Intelligence is a master aptitude, a capacity that profoundly affects all other abilities, either facilitating or interfering with them."--Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, p. 80.
emotional intelligence involves
Knowing your feelings and using them to make life decisions you can live with.
Being able to manage your emotional life without being hijacked by it -- not being paralyzed by depression or worry, or swept away by anger.
Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling your impulses in order to pursue your goals.
Empathy -- reading other people's emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.
Handling feelings in relationships with skill and harmony -- being able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group, for example.
Research in brain-based learning suggests that emotional health is fundamental to effective learning. According to a report from the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, the most critical element for a student's success in school is an understanding of how to learn. (Emotional Intelligence, p. 193.) The key ingredients for this understanding are:
Capacity to communicate
Ability to cooperate
These traits are all aspects of Emotional Intelligence. Basically, a student who learns to learn is much more apt to succeed. Emotional Intelligence has proven a better predictor of future success than traditional methods like the GPA, IQ, and standardized test scores.
i was satisfied with my tests result, i think that it was hardly true.
Pictures from http://images.google.lt/images
emotional intelligence involves
Knowing your feelings and using them to make life decisions you can live with.
Being able to manage your emotional life without being hijacked by it -- not being paralyzed by depression or worry, or swept away by anger.
Persisting in the face of setbacks and channeling your impulses in order to pursue your goals.
Empathy -- reading other people's emotions without their having to tell you what they are feeling.
Handling feelings in relationships with skill and harmony -- being able to articulate the unspoken pulse of a group, for example.
Research in brain-based learning suggests that emotional health is fundamental to effective learning. According to a report from the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs, the most critical element for a student's success in school is an understanding of how to learn. (Emotional Intelligence, p. 193.) The key ingredients for this understanding are:
Capacity to communicate
Ability to cooperate
These traits are all aspects of Emotional Intelligence. Basically, a student who learns to learn is much more apt to succeed. Emotional Intelligence has proven a better predictor of future success than traditional methods like the GPA, IQ, and standardized test scores.
i was satisfied with my tests result, i think that it was hardly true.
Pictures from http://images.google.lt/images
Sunday, February 18, 2007
queue psychology
Hardly everyday we go to shops - to get food,clothes or other important things. It's fun to walk around and to discover new, useful things. But.. We often confront with a little problem - a queue. And how do we feel then?
Queues are a part of life. In the United States, people spend a total of 37 billion hours each year waiting in line. Queues are everywhere - from waiting at the supermarket checkout, to waiting for an ambulance dispatch officer to send you an ambulance.
Something about history: Agner Krarup Erlang published his first paper on Queuing Theory back in 1909. By 1917, he was studying the "combined queue" or "single queue" system.In a combined queue, there's one queue and several servers, the advantage is that
the first person in is the first person out.And you don't get the "Slip skip" phenomenon, where you slip down the serving order in your queue, because somebody else in another queue who arrived after you skips past you. "Slip Skip" can turn to "Slip Slap"- and we have arrived at "Queue Rage".
Single queue guarantees that the first person in, is the first person served.But it is said that the average waiting time in the single queue is twice as long as in the parallel queues.
"empty time"-it is concept, when you are waiting to do something. You can imagine your realy time, you are waiting. So, the simple suggestion - do something, which abstract you attention from idea to get quick to the checkout.
It's a good idea for supermarkets to let listen the music or to let see the promotional video on monitors, which are by checkouts.
Queues are a part of life. In the United States, people spend a total of 37 billion hours each year waiting in line. Queues are everywhere - from waiting at the supermarket checkout, to waiting for an ambulance dispatch officer to send you an ambulance.
Something about history: Agner Krarup Erlang published his first paper on Queuing Theory back in 1909. By 1917, he was studying the "combined queue" or "single queue" system.In a combined queue, there's one queue and several servers, the advantage is that
the first person in is the first person out.And you don't get the "Slip skip" phenomenon, where you slip down the serving order in your queue, because somebody else in another queue who arrived after you skips past you. "Slip Skip" can turn to "Slip Slap"- and we have arrived at "Queue Rage".
Single queue guarantees that the first person in, is the first person served.But it is said that the average waiting time in the single queue is twice as long as in the parallel queues.
"empty time"-it is concept, when you are waiting to do something. You can imagine your realy time, you are waiting. So, the simple suggestion - do something, which abstract you attention from idea to get quick to the checkout.
It's a good idea for supermarkets to let listen the music or to let see the promotional video on monitors, which are by checkouts.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
My future profesion
Firstly, I want to answer to myself one question : why did I choose psychology? I think, that it is the profesion, which is the nearest to human. It is profesion about human.
I am not a down-to-earth person. I am not interested in money, numbers...It is silly. I am interested in person. We live in community, we communicate with many people. Isn't it interesting to percept the human, you meet every day? On the other hand, we aren't as animals, who communicate just for money or other thing.We are people, so we must behave like people, who have feelings, desires, wishes, or secret plans sometimes. ;)
The second thing I like psychology is that it is a way to help people. I can use my psychological news in my own life, but also I can use it in official way - helping people in my own office, hospital or other institution.
In these days, which are full of stress, many people have many problems with their soul. They often don't know what is the meaning of their egzistation. They don't know who they are. So, I think, I could help them....
I am not a down-to-earth person. I am not interested in money, numbers...It is silly. I am interested in person. We live in community, we communicate with many people. Isn't it interesting to percept the human, you meet every day? On the other hand, we aren't as animals, who communicate just for money or other thing.We are people, so we must behave like people, who have feelings, desires, wishes, or secret plans sometimes. ;)
The second thing I like psychology is that it is a way to help people. I can use my psychological news in my own life, but also I can use it in official way - helping people in my own office, hospital or other institution.
In these days, which are full of stress, many people have many problems with their soul. They often don't know what is the meaning of their egzistation. They don't know who they are. So, I think, I could help them....
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